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Archery & Fires

So this evening at scouts we had an evening of archery & fire starting. Helen, Paul & Nic went through a safety briefing with all the scouts and explained what the rules were when firing proper bow & arrows. First up was the girls, Lily proved to be a natural with the bow & arrow and managed to get a bulls eye, well done Lily! Then in turn the boys were up we tried to set them up with peers of their own age and abilities and the one that stood out was Nick, he had great grouping, I am told that this is a great thing and shows a good archer. Some of the scouts, then went outside while the other were still firing arrows and had a challenge set to them, this was to light a fire only using 1 match and tumble dryer fluff (great for starting fires) Brandon & Reece managed this without cheating however a few scouts did use a bit of initiative and lit their match, which did not stay alight and so used the match to light it again off Liam's fire, scouting is about being resourceful this was certainly that. Once they had their fire alight the made smores on them ( 2 chocolate digestives with a melted marshmallow in between them). a fun packed night with Helen, Paul & Nic, thank you for coming a spending time with us we will see you again later in the year

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