So this evening was the swapped scouts, those that did Archery last week were doing a hike this week, and visa versa
So the broke flag and as a mark of respect put it at half mast in memory of a fellow Scout Jodie Chesney a Explorer Scout that was fatally stabbed on Friday night in London. We explained to the Scouts that were there that at the end of the meeting we would observe a minutes silence for her too.
Well once the evening started we had the younger scouts started off the archery and our new scout Luca (just coming up from cubs) scored our first bulls-eye! Yay go Luca!
Here is a picture of him proudly displaying his sharp shooting#
Next bulls-eye scored was Ken, he is a fellow leader and what an awesome shot too
Well done Ken
Next was Dom who managed to get a bulls-eye too.
Go Dom
The only one to score 2 bull-eyes was me
The hikers came back and had hot dogs & s'mores for supper,