So this week we have spent the evening doing planning for our international badge, this involved choosing countries to the letters in the name of the patrols then as a patrol choosing one of these and learning a few simple phrases in the language, drawing or printing the country's flag, 10 facts about the country and finally finding a recipe and planning it in readiness for cooking it next week.
Falcons chose France and are cooking Sable Biscuits
Cobra chose Russia and are cooking Pelmeni which are Russian dumplings
Stags chose Spain and are cooking a Chicken & Chorizo Paella
Lions chose Singapore and cooked Chilli Chicken noodles
And as a small surprise and so that they did not feel left out the
Explorers are doing a Satay Sweet Potato Curry & Rice
We finished off our Code of Conduct as we needed to set out the consequences of not obeying the rules of the Troop, this has been done so that every scout feels valued and safe whilst they are at meetings and at scouting events, including camp.