Well its great to be back after 56 long weeks off from face to face Scout meetings. Although we have still run all the way through lockdown the zoom meetings as shown above they are not the same as good old meet up with a fire and s’mores.
Through lockdown the Scouts have done quizzes scout based and general knowledge so hopefully all our young people went back to school after most of last year at home with loads more information in their heads than they started with. We have done prize bingo, cooked scones, cooked pizza all from scratch, we did an international event, made deckchairs ( some even big enough to sit on) we made poppies for armistice day and Jason & Andrea went to war memorial on remembrance day to pay their respects on behalf of the group for our fallen service people. We have done a baby photo quiz which was fun…. oh how much some of the scouts have changed. We have camped in our gardens, we did a virtual
escape room, we have played “Among Us” we made yule logs at Christmas, and paracord candy canes just to name but a few things but most of all we were still meeting and together even if it was just virtually.
However this week we met face to face for the first time in over a year and I must say it was great to be back. We had a great turn out for our first meeting with 43 scouts (10-14 year olds) 2 explorers (14 -18 year olds) and 6 leaders with help from 7 parents too. We split the troop into 2 groups and they headed in opposite directions for our scavenger hunt. We had written questions that the scouts needed to answer to find where in the village the letter was then they needed to find it and once they had all the letters they just need to unscramble them for the saying. Some questions stumped the scouts and the leaders that were with them….so we did help them a bit. Once they had found them all they headed bac
k to Unity Hall for hotdogs and s’mores (for those that don’t know what these are they are a melted marshmallow, cooked over the fire that we had going sandwiched between 2 chocolate biscuits. Yummy!!) We are glad to be back and I think that this was the same for the scouts and although at the moment we are not aware if we will be able to go on camp, but being face to face is a great start. Oh the saying was “Good to be back” if you happened to see any of our letters in windows or on signs or trees and we thank both the Co-op and Barton Fish and Chip shop for displaying a letter for us.
If you would think that you may have something to offer as a helper or as a leader for any section within Scouting (no experience necessary) please feel free to email us, or if you have a young person that you would like to look at joining us please
feel free to contact us too, although I am in the Scout section I can add them to the waiting list where the leader will contact once a place becomes available.
Our email is Barton.scouts@outlook.com find us at https://bartonscouts.wixsite.com/home or on facebook https://facebook.com/bartonscouts/
The sections are: Beavers (6-8 year olds) Cubs (8-10 year olds) Scouts (10-14 year olds) Explorers (14-18 Year olds)
Happy Scouting